Bilingual Preschool Escuelita Nuevo Horizonte

Escuelita Nuevo Horizonte

Escuelita Nuevo Horizonte is a high quality, bi-lingual, and bi-cultural early childhood education program. We empower children with self-confidence, problem solving skills, and critical thinking to excel wherever their lives may take them. We utilize The Creative Curriculum to provide authentic and engaging topics and lessons that feel relevant to children and allow them to learn important concepts through everyday experiences. We focus on curiosity and creativity and encourage children to explore their own unique interests. Escuelita’s emphasis on social emotional learning also gives children the resiliency, impulse control, and social skills that are critical for student success in Elementary school and beyond.

Parents, Here I leave you the Newsletter for the month of November. Please take time to read it. In this newsletter there are days when the school will be closed, two days of spirit day, certificate attendance and other important things. — 🗞️— 🗞️ —🗞️—🗞️—🗞️—🗞️—🗞️—🗞️—🗞️—🗞️— Padres, Aqui les dejo el Boletín del mes de Noviembre. Por favor tomen tiempo para leerlo. En este boletín viene dos días de vestimenta especial, asistencia de certificado entre otras cosas importantes. #laescuelitanuevohorizonte #enhparents #enhstudents #novembernewsletter #boletindenoviembre


What are you guys having for lunch today? We are having for lunch beef stew soup, green beans, bread, grapes and milk. Just perfect for this weather. — 🍲 —🍲—🍲—🍲—🍲—🍲—🍲—🍲—🍲—🍲— ¿Que van almorzar hoy? Nosotros almorzamos sopa de estofado de ternera, habichuelas verdes, pan, uvas y leche. Simplemente perfecto para este clima. #laescuelitanuevohorizonte #enhparents #enhstudents #familylunchtime #deliciousfood


Parents, It is very important that our students be at school before 8:45am, since our learning begins at 9am. — 🏫—🏫—🏫—🏫—🏫—🏫—🏫—🏫—🏫—🏫— Padres, Es muy importante que nuestro estudiantes esten en la escuela antes de las 8:45am, debido que nuestro aprendizaje empieza a las 9am. #laescuelitanuevohorizonte #enhparents #enhstudents #teachingstrategies #creativecurriculum


Call (269) 385-6279 for more information and to sign up for a tour.


Jeff Geromin

Preschool Director

Jocelyn Velasco

Lead Teacher

Giselle Gutierrez-Monroy

Teacher Aide

Liliana Obregon

Family Administrator

Partner and Member of Kalamazoo Early Learning Network (KELN)

Our Vision

A thriving Latino community, equipped to preserve distinct cultural identities within the broader community.

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